United secures additional A321neos

Gepubliceerd op 23 april 2024 om 12:31

© Lawrence Smith | Jetphotos

United Airlines has announced on 16 April 2024 that it has secured leases for additional Airbus A321neos. In January 2024, Scramble reported that the airline was in discussion with Airbus for more A321neos. It now seems, however, that the airline has settled to fill its capacity gaps with leased aircraft.

In total United is leasing 35 A321neos that will be delivered from 2026. The new Airbuses will fill the void that is created by the late certification and delivery of its Boeing B737-10s it has on order. Which lessors are involved is currently unclear.

With these lease-deals, United is bringing its total commitment to the A321neo to 215. So far, it has taken delivery of seven of those.

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